What are the Memory Strength Indicators?

Learntime User Interface

Memory Strength Indicators in Learntime are visual cues that help you understand your progress at a glance. These indicators provide a quick and intuitive way to gauge how well you're retaining information for each topic in your MemoryStacks.

Understanding Memory Strength Indicators

  1. Visual Representation:

    • Look for the green circular bar around topic icons in the sidebar.
    • This circular bar acts as a visual gauge of your memory strength for each topic.
  2. Interpretation:

    • A fuller circle indicates stronger memory retention.
    • A less complete circle suggests that the topic might need review soon.
  3. Dynamic Nature:

    • These indicators update based on your performance in recall reviews.
    • They also change over time, reflecting the natural decay of memory if a topic hasn't been reviewed recently.

How Memory Strength is Calculated

Memory strength is determined by several factors:

  1. Recall Performance: How well you perform during recall reviews.
  2. Review Frequency: How often you've reviewed the topic.
  3. Time Since Last Review: How long it's been since you last engaged with the topic.
  4. Initial Learning Strength: How well you learned the material when first studying it.

Memory Strength Indicators are tools to guide your learning, not definitive measures of your knowledge. They work best when used in conjunction with your own self-assessment and the feedback provided during recall reviews and quizzes.
