The Ultimate Learning Protocol with Learntime

Maximizing your learning potential with Learntime involves more than just using the app—it requires a strategic approach to how and when you engage with the material. This protocol, based on evidence-backed learning methods, will help you achieve at least 50% better memory retention and deeper understanding.

1. Immediate Content Capture

The foundation of effective learning begins right after your initial exposure to new information:

  • Rapid Entry: As soon as your lecture, reading, or study session ends, immediately enter your notes into Learntime.
  • Create Topics: Organize your notes into clear, distinct topics within Learntime.

2. Immediate First Recall

Performing your first recall session immediately after entering your notes is vital:

  • Timing is Key: Aim to do this within an hour of your initial learning event.
  • Dramatic Impact: This single step can lead to up to 50% better memory retention of that content, even if no other recall sessions were to take place!
  • How to Do It: Use Learntime's recall feature to actively retrieve the information you just learned without looking at your notes.
  • Why It's Crucial: This immediate recall helps solidify the information in your mind and prevents the rapid forgetting that often occurs within the first hour after learning.

3. Trust the Spaced Repetition Algorithm

After your initial entry and recall, let Learntime's algorithm guide your review schedule:

  • Follow the Schedule: Perform recall sessions when they are due, as determined by the app.
  • Don't Skip: Even if you feel confident about a topic, stick to the schedule. The algorithm is designed to optimize your long-term retention.
  • Consistency is Key: Regular engagement with the spaced repetition system strengthens your memory over time.

4. Embrace Interleaving

As you add more topics to Learntime over time, you'll naturally benefit from interleaved practice:

  • Mixed Review: The app will schedule reviews of different topics in a mixed order.
  • Enhanced Understanding: This variety in your review sessions helps you make connections between different subjects and improves overall comprehension.
  • Improved Retention: Interleaving is proven to increase long-term retention compared to blocked practice of a single topic.

By following this Ultimate Learning Protocol, you're not just using Learntime—you're leveraging cutting-edge learning science to dramatically improve your knowledge retention and understanding. Remember, the key to success lies in immediate action after learning, consistent engagement with the spaced repetition system, and embracing the power of interleaved practice.
